Complete this form to apply for the next trip.
For all payments, please make checks payable to “New England Friends March of the Living”
Send payments and application to:
- Joel Katz, Northeast Director, MOTL
1 Eventide Court
Morris Plains, NJ 07950
For questions concerning the application or payment, please contact:
- Joel D. Katz by email at MOTLJDKATZ@gmail.com or by phone at (973) 632-9035 or
- Aaron Kischel by email at kischel7241@gmail.com or by phone at (781) 799-4765 or
Susan Flashner- Fineman by email at suefinefit@gmail.com or by phone (781) 308-8841
Start Your Journey by reading the MOTL Study Guide
Your experience on the March will be greatly enhanced by the amount of time you spend now in preparation. Previous Marchers have told us how important it was for them to read such material before going on the March.